In the sectors we work in, the quality of leather is not generic but evaluated according to specific parameters.

Where the raw material comes from is fundamental. We only use exclusive raw hides from the European Union for our articles, because there are very demanding rules that consider the wellbeing of the animals in the right measure. This reflects in the excellence of the finished product, where no holes or branding marks can be found.

100% Made in Italy

Our leathers can be defined as Made in Italy according to Italian Law no. 55 of 8 April 2010. The whole production process, which includes hide preparation, tanning, dyeing and finishing, is carried out in Italy.


See Quality Certificates

100% Certified

We obtained the UNI 11239 "Leather from Italy - Full Cycle" mark in 2015. With a dedicated traceability system which includes numbered labels to be placed on the products made (bags, sofas, armchairs, etc.), we guarantee our clients leather that is 100% Italian.

See Quality Certificates.

Certification IMO-MED

Prodital is proud to announce that our Perfect and Natur collections have been awarded with the IMO-MED B+D Certification, the standard of excellency for maritime interior design in regard to fire-resistant furniture.                                                            
See Imo Med Certificate Modulo D

See Imo Med Certificate Modulo B Natur

See Imo Med Certificate Modulo B Perfect


UNI EN ISO 9001 Certification - Quality Management System

To us, UNI EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification means compliance with regulations. The system is a valid instrument for our continual improvement, and over time it helps reduce costs and risk factors drastically by organising and structuring the work carried out. An additional advantage is that the performance of the system itself is periodically evaluated and monitored. 


See ISO 9001 Certification



UNI EN ISO 14001 Certification

Download Certification: Download Certification: The tannery industry has been facing themes tied to sustainability for a while, with the aim of improving its environmental, ethic and social impact, and giving information on some aspects that not everyone knows, for example that the leather industry is based mainly on the treatment and recycling of a by-product of the meat, dairy and wool industries.

Here are some important points that align us with many others in the sector who are trying to go further along this road:

1. Full compliance with environmental regulations in force and product safety regulations.

2. A commitment to energy efficiency.

3. A commitment to work using the best practices, to always anticipate environmental checks and reach carbon reduction objectives more.

4. Definition of the “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)" and the "Environmental" Footprint" for leather.

Finally, in order to manage and enhance our environmental performance in a systematic manner, we chose to follow the international requirements and regulations specified in ISO 14001:2015 - Environmental management systems.

Contact us directly if you want more information.


See ISO 14001 Certification




Gender Equality Certification

Prodital announces that it has undertaken the process to obtain gender equality certification according to the UNI/Pdr 125:2022 standard.

At Prodital Italia Srl, human resources are the company's foundational asset. The socio-economic well-being of employees has always been a pursued objective. Achieving gender equality for Prodital Italia Srl means continuing the policies that are currently in place and allowing its staff to develop their personal skills and make life choices without limitations imposed by gender stereotypes.

Gender Equality Certification


Click here and see the policy


Company info

Prodital Italia Srl

Registered Office: Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 34 - 36071 Tezze di Arzignano (VI)
Administrative Office: Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 34 - 36071 Tezze di Arzignano (VI)

Privacy Policy



This page is aimed at describing the website's administrative procedures concerning the processing of its users' personal data, that will be processed lawfully, fairly, relevantly and not excessively.

This statement is produced pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 - Personal Data Protection Code for those users who interact with the web services of Prodital Italia Srl, accessible by internet starting from the page:, corresponding to the homepage of the official website of Prodital Italia Srl.

This statement only concerns the website of Prodital Italia Srl and not other websites that the user may consult through the use of link.

This statement is prompted by Recommendation no. 2/2001 implemented on 17 May 2001 by the European authorities for personal data protection, brought together in the Working Party established byArt. 29 of Directive no. 95/46/EC (download) in order to identify several minimum requisites for the collection of personal data online, and, in particular, the procedures, times and the nature of the information that data controllers must supply users when the latter connect to web pages, regardless of the purposes of connection.


Data concerning identified or identifiable subjects can be processed following consultation of this website.

The data controller who processes this data is Prodital Italia Srl, with offices in Via Leonardo Da Vinci, 34 - 36071 Tezze di Arzignano (VI).


The processing operations connected to the web services of this website take place at the above-mentioned offices of Prodital Italia Srl nd are carried out only by technical personnel of the Department in charge of processing, or by persons in charge of occasional maintenance operations.

Processing occurs by means of data storage in electronic archives at the company , whose access to the data is limited to maintenance procedures in compliance with the provisions in enclosure B.

No data deriving from the web service shall be communicated or disseminated.

The personal data supplied by the users who request dispatch of informative material (newsletters, information, catalogues, CD-ROMs, etc.) are used with the sole purpose of supplying or performing the service requested and are communicated to third parties only if necessary for this purpose (dispatching services of Prodital Italia Srl).


Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures in charge of the website's operation acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data (so-called log files) the transmission of which is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected in order to be associated to identified data subjects, but due to its same nature can, by means of processing and integration with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

This category includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the users to connect to the website, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) form addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply given by the server (done, error, etc.) and other parameters concerning the user's operating system and computer environment.

These data are used with the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information concerning the use of the site and to check its correct operation. These data can be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of hypothetical computer crimes to the detriment of the website and can be communicated to the Judicial Authority, in the event that the latter explicitly requests such data.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary dispatching of electronic mail to the addresses indicated in this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary in order to reply to the requests, and also any other personal data contained in the message.

Specific concise information concerning personal data shall be cited or visualised in the web pages dedicated to particular services on request.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored by the computer when a website is visited by a user. The text stores information that the site is able to read in the moment in which it is seen at a later time. Some of these cookies are necessary to the site to work properly, while others are useful to the visitor because they can safely store such as user name or language settings. The advantage of having the cookies installed in your pc is that you no longer need to fill out the same information every time you want to access a site you visited before.

Why does Prodital Italia Srl use cookies?

Prodital Italia Srl uses cookies to provide its customers with a customized web experience and allow them to visit again a website without having to enter each time the same information. Cookies are also used to optimize the website performance: in fact they make easier the process of product searching within the site. In order to protect personal data against loss and any form of unlawful processing Prodital Italia Srl has taken appropriate technical and organizational measures.

First-party cookies

First-party cookies are generated by the manager of the site the user is browsing. This category include technical and performance cookies. Technical cookies are used for the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server), which allow a safe and efficient navigation of the website; Performance cookies are used for statistical purposes, for the detection of unique users, viewed or downloaded content etc. Google Analytics, for example, works using this type of cookies. Data are stored anonymously and used as an aggregate. To disable Google Analytics cookies, you can use a special tool made available by Google itself. To install, click here.

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How can I disable cookies?

You can easily modify browser settings to turn off cookies. Warning: when you disable cookies your username and password will be no longer stored on the login box of the site.

  1. Open Firefox
  2. Press the "Alt" key.
  3. In the toolbar at the top of the browser, select "Tools" and then "Options."
  4. Then select the "Privacy" tab.
  5. Go to "Cronology Settings" and then click "Custom Settings". Uncheck "Accept cookies from sites" and save your preferences.
Internet Explorer:
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click on "Tools" then "Internet Options."
  3. Select the "Privacy" tab and choose the privacy level you want (move the slider up to block all cookies, or down to allow them all).
  4. Then click OK.
Google Chrome:
  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Click on "Tools."
  3. Select "Settings" and then "Advanced Settings".
  4. Select "Content settings" under "Privacy".
  5. In "Cookies and Site Data" you can search and delete specific cookies.
  1. Type chrome://settings/cookies in the address bar and press Enter key.
  2. You will access to "Cookie and Site Data" where you can search and delete specific cookies.
  1. Open Safari.
  2. Select "Preferences" in the toolbar, and then select the panel "Security" in the following dialog box.
  3. In the "Accept Cookies" section you can specify if and when Safari should save cookies from websites. For more information click on the Help button (marked with a question mark).
  4. For more information on cookies that are stored on your computer, click on "Show Cookies."


Excepting for that specified for navigation data above, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the request forms to Prodital Italia Srl or indicated in contacts with the Office to request the dispatching of informative material or other communications.

Failing to submit personal data may make it impossible to process the request.

It must be remembered that in some cases (not object of the ordinary administration of this website) the Authority can request information pursuant to Art. 157 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, for the purposes of checking personal data processing. In these cases reply is obligatory under penalty of a fine.


Personal data are processed by computerised means for the time necessary to realise the purposes for which they were collected.

Specific security measures are observed in order to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use and unauthorised access.


The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right, at any time, to obtain confirmation as to whether such data exists and to know its content and source, check its accuracy or request its integration, updating or rectification (Art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.).

Pursuant to the same article the Data Subject has the right to obtain the erasure, anonymisation or blocking of data that has been processed unlawfully, and also to object in any case to its processing, on legitimate grounds.

Such requests shall be made to Prodital Italia Srl.

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